Sold – contact us we have new trailers on sale within this price range
- 5200lb Axles
- Semi-Screwless Exterior
- 7ft Interior Height
- Alloy Wheels
Standard Features
- 16″ On Center Cross Members
- 24″ On Center Tubing Roof Members
- 16″ On Center Tubing Sidewalls
- 2000 lb A-Frame Jack w/ Sand Foot
- 2 5/16″ Coupler
- 36″ Side Door w/ Flush Lock
- 6″ Tube Steel Main Frame
- 16″ Flap On Ramp Door
- White Aluminum Metal
- Screwed Exterior
- Interior Height 78″
- 3/4″ Plywood Floors
- 3/8″ Plywood Walls
- (1) 12vt LED Dome Light
- LED Lights
- (4) 5000 lb D-Rings
- White Mod Wheel
- Aluminum Fenders
- Galvalume Roof
- Non-Powered Roof Vent
- 24″ Stone Guard
- ATP Covered Stepwell
- (1) Alum. Ramp Door Handle
- 3500 lb Drop Leaf Spring Axles w/ E.B.
- 7 Way Bargman Plug
- No Show Beavertail on 16′ and above
- Heavy Duty Ramp Door w/Flap
- Door Hold Back
- V-Nose w/ATP
- E-Z Lube Hubs
Snap up this rare find: a gently used Rock Solid 8.5X28TA in sleek Silverfrost for only $7,500! Featuring 5200lb axles, a semi-screwless exterior, a spacious 7ft interior, and stylish alloy wheels, it’s the perfect versatile trailer for any project or mobile business. Don’t miss out on this exceptional deal!
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